Saturday, January 12, 2008

Credit Repair Made Easy

Would You Like to Remove ChargeOffs, Judgments, or Other Bad Credit From Your Credit Report?

Would You Like to Raise Your Credit Score 50, 100, or Even 200 Points?

Would You Like to Experience the Feeling of Being Approved for a New Car or Home?

Repair Your Credit

by Clicking here.

Bad Credit, such as chargeoffs, judgments, and other negative listings can be deleted and removed from your credit report LEGALLY.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows a consumer to challenge the information on his credit report on the basis of "completeness and accuracy." When a consumer files a dispute, the credit bureaus must contact the source of the credit information (the creditor) and confirm that the information is accurate, verifiable, and not obsolete. In some circumstances, the credit bureau is required to go beyond a simple verification of the creditor's own computer record. If, within 30 days, the credit bureau has not received verification from the creditor, then the credit bureau must promptly delete the credit listing.

The Cost of Bad Credit

If you are making payments on a car, you are probably paying between $5,000 and $9,000 more just for having bad credit. This added interest shows up every month in a higher payment.

Bad credit in auto financing can really hurt, but it is nothing compared to the cost of bad credit when a home is involved. A typical home can cost between $50,000 and $130,000 more in interest if you are buying the home with bad credit.

How to Repair Your Credit Lexington Law Sign-Up Page

Lexington Law is a law firm that specializes in credit report repair and has successfully deleted negative credit including:

Charge Offs
Late Payments
And More!

Start Repairing Your Credit Today!

Click here  to Go to Lexington Law

If you need a mortage, loan or credit card until you get your credit repaired, these people may be able to help. You're Approved for Guaranteed Unsecured Credit Cards and Personal Loans - Any Credit History Click Here

Would You Like 7 Free Credit Repair Tips? There is no cost to you for these tips, nor will we share your email address with anyone. If you want the attorneys to represent you, you can opt out at anytime without any problem whatsoever.

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